Vim, pathogen and git submodules
This is a step by step tutorial on how to organize your vim config files using
git, pathogen, and git submodules. This tutorial assumes that you are familiar
with git basics, but you don’t really need to understand every step in order to
follow it. For simplicity, only .vim
directory is a repository in this
example. You may want to have all your dotfiles under version control and use a
script to symlink files to the home directory. For example see
Setting up
Let’s assume your .vim
directory is a mess and is not under revision control.
Let’s initialize a repository.
cd ~/.vim
git init
git remote add origin
Now let’s create .vim/bundle
directory and clone pathogen
plugin as a
mkdir bundle
cd bundle
git submodule add git@github.cfm:tpope/vim-pathogen.git
Pre-pend the following code to your ~/.vimrc
to load pathogen from
non-default directory:
runtime bundle/vim-pathogen/autoload/pathogen.vim
execute pathogen#infect()
Let’s add some more plugins as git submodules, for example:
git submodule add
Now we can add and commit everything and push it to a repository.
git add .
git commit -m "Use pathogen to keep track of vim plugins"
git push origin master
Assuming that your repository is located at
cd ~
git clone .vim
And you are done, all plugins are downloaded from their repositories now.
Git submodules keep track of specific commits and are not being automatically updated when target repositories have new commits. In order to update plugins you have:
cd ~/.vim
git submodule foreach git pull
git add bundle
git commit -m "Updated all the plugins in a bundle"
git push origin master
You probably want to make sure that new versions of plugins are compatible with each other before committing, however.